After the success of his new album, Rifana has released his second album. The album is a call for tolerance and peace in the world. The artist is trying to prove that difference can make beauty and richness by mixing different styles of music. The new album of Rifana “ARAGHI” is now available on iTunes: … Continue reading
Rifana releases his new album “ARAGHI”
Agraf has released a new album “ANWAL”
Agraf has released his third album ANWAL. The albums is a fruit of several years of hard work. With this album the artist is paying a tribute to the world wide recognised Anwal battle that lead the Rifians to defeat the Spanish colonial army in 1921. Order your albums now on iTunes: Produced by PODIUM … Continue reading
Thidrin releases a new album “Rhenni”
Thidrin has just released its new album Rhenniwhich will be available in the market very soon. This new album is composed of twelve hits that deal with different topics ranging from love, freedom, politics and others. The album title is inspired from henna “Rhenni“. Historically, henna was used for cosmetic purposes in north Africa by the … Continue reading
Imetlaa collaborates with the divas of North Africa
In the recent past Imetlaa has achieved a progressive success in various genres which came as a result of joint work with various bands. They have tackled the issue ofAmazigh-Andalous music where they have dealt mainly with historical, cultural and musical similarities between Izran the songs of Rif and Flamenco of Spain. Imetlaa had also worked … Continue reading
Khalid Izri – 10 jaar Muziekpublique
Midden in de Afrikaanse wijk van Brussel huist een bevlogen organisatie van wereld- en volksmuziekminnaars: Muziekpublique. Al 10 jaar verenigt Muziekpublique (let op de spelwijze) een verdeeld land met muziek uit zowel Vlaanderen als Wallonië en de hele wereld. In plaats van een taart met tien kaarsjes trakteert artistiek directeur Peter van Rompaey ons op … Continue reading
Khalid Izri au concert ProPulse
Le volet musical du festival ProPulse ouvre au public au Botanique en soirée de mercredi à samedi. En journée, les artistes se produisent uniquement face à des professionnels (programmateurs, organisateurs de festival, directeurs de centre culturel, etc.). Le volet arts de la scène est lui fermé au public. Ce festival est le successeur d’EntreVues et … Continue reading